Breaking Ground Part II

Good Evening everybody.  Just another rainy day on the North Fork.  At least it wasn't snow.  There's nothing to report on the new building today but I promised you some pictures so here they are.

Prayer request for the day: Pray for cooperative weather throughout the building process

Prayer quote for the day: Prayer is a strong wall and fortress of the church; it is a Godly Christian weapon - Martin Luther

Breaking Ground

When most of us woke up this morning, we must have been thinking "What's going on here? April Fools Day was yesterday." We were met with a slight snow shower, and were soon to realize that this little squall was going to drop 6" of snow on the ground by noon. As strange as that seemed to be for April, we weren't done yet.  The sun came out and the six inches of snow melted and turned into a slushy, gooey mess. Did this dampen our spirits?  Did this slow us down? Were we going to postpone the scheduled ground breaking?  In the words of a dear friend, "NO WORRIES, GOD'S GOT IT." 

38 brave souls gathered at the construction site to pray and dedicate the property with a ground breaking ceremony.  Led by Pastor Tom and our District Superintendent Reverend Julia Yim, we entered the property where the front doors are going to be and proceeded to the location of the altar.  There Rusty placed a cross in the ground and the dedication service started.  Prayers were led by Pastor Tom and Reverend Yim as members came forward and "broke the ground" by shoveling a portion of the soil.  

Also in attendance were Fred and John Seifert from Seifert construction, our builders,  and David and Dawn Harvey from D&D Harvey, our architects.  A prayer was lifted up in their names that the construction process goes smooth and, most of all, accident and incident free.

Rebecca was armed with her camera and took over 400 pictures. (Imagine doing that in the day of film).  She is selecting them and editing them tonight so I'll be able to post them tomorrow.   Tonight we'll tease you with three.

Prayer request for the day: Pray for Seifert Construction and everyone associated with the construction process.  May they be surrounded by a hedge of protection on the site and in their lives.  May the process be smooth and accident free.

Prayer quote for the day: God does nothing but by prayer, and everything with it. - John Wesley


Hallelujah! He is Risen!  He is risen indeed!

Good Afternoon and a Happy Easter to all.  The service this morning was a true blessing indeed.  The turnout was tremendous and the worship experience was spirit filled.  Thank you Joe for a wonderful children's moment that most of us "children" will never forget.  The message from Pastor Tom was inspiring, but unfortunately due to an error by yours truly was not recorded, but if you ask anyone in attendance today, they will give you a recap.  I was Wrong! Still not easy to say but it is a little less difficult to admit after today's message.

Easter and April Fool's day happen to fall on the same day this year and we were the recipient of an April Fools joke this morning from Pastor Tom.  After assuring us that things were still tied up with the town  as far as the new building goes, he presented the congregation with a copy of the building permit.  This was met with a rousing round of applause and quite a few "Amens" and I think I might have heard a "praise the Lord" or two.

We are on our way and ready to proceed.  This congregation and Pastor Tom never being hesitant to proceed has scheduled a Ground Breaking ceremony for Monday Night April 2 at 6pm.  That is tomorrow.  Be there. Bring a friend or three.  For those of you who think this may still be an April Fools joke, we have included a picture of the permit.  What a beautiful sight.

Prayer request for the day: Prayers of thanksgiving for God loving us so much that he sent his Son to reconcile us anew to Him

Prayer quote for the day:If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.  - Meister Eckhart



Holy Week

We had a beautiful Palm / Passion Sunday service yesterday in preparation for Easter this coming Sunday.  Nothing "New" on the building front but we are hoping to be able to reveal some good news on Easter Sunday in addition to the "GREAT NEWS"  that JESUS CHRIST, OUR SAVIOR,  HAS RISEN FROM THE GRAVE.  Hope to see you all there. 

Don't forget the Maunday Thursday service @ 7PM this Thursday and the church will be open from 1-3 on Friday afternoon for prayer and meditation.

Prayer request for the day: Pray for those who have yet to know Jesus Christ

Prayer quote for the day: Never forget the three powerful resources you always have available to you: love, prayer, and forgiveness.  -H. Jackson Brown, Jr.


We're in the middle of our fourth Nor'easter in the last 3 weeks.  The snow is beginning to stick and depending on who you listen to we can expect 3 to 18 inches before it is all over.  HAPPY SPRING!  So anyway, everyone be safe, keep warm and check on your loved ones and neighbors, only if it's just to say, "Hi. How are you doing?"

Prayer request for today: Pray for our food pantry and those that have a need for it.

Prayer quote for the day:“Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts.” - Mother Teresa

Below is a slideshow of the latest drawings for the new building

The Journey Begins

This is the official NFUMC blog on what's happening with the "New" building.  This is the place to come to to get the latest news and construction updates.  We will post pictures when we get them and may even have an inspirational message or two. Check back here often as we will try to keep the updates coming.  Please leave comments and questions in the comment section and we will try to answer them as best as we can, if we can.

The vote has passed

On March 17th, The North Fork United Methodist Church held a special charge conference to vote on the budget and choice of contractor for the construction of a new church building at the corner of Route 48 and Horton's lane in Southold.  With 23 people in attendance the vote was a unanimous Yea.  Praise God!!

From the outset, the North Fork UMC, knew that we would be moving into or building a new "Home" that would fit the needs of our members and the community we are called to serve.  A place that would be accessible and centrally located on the North Fork of Long Island, a center for our satellite ministry locations. The Trustees and Pastor Tom prayed, gathered together, prayed, developed a plan, prayed, made calls, prayed, met with architects, prayed, met with the Town Zoning board, prayed, met with the Town Planning Board, prayed,......Well, you get the idea.  Three and a half years later, here we are. 

Did I mention prayer?  This process began with prayer and we do not make a move or decision before we ask the Holy Spirit to be with us and guide us in all we do.  We continue to pray everyday for guidance in what we do and for all road blocks to be removed from our path.  If you drive by the construction site, you just may see someone in their car or walking the site praying.  We ask everyone who may be reading this to take time right now and pray for this endeavor and add us to your prayer list. Prayer Warriors are welcome.

 Since prayer is such a large part of what is happening, I'll try to add a quote about prayer that I find helpful, intriguing, thought provoking or just humorous to each post.  Here is today's:

"When you pray to God regularly, IRREGULAR things will happen on a REGULAR basis." - Mark Batterson, Draw the Circle.

Now for what you really want to know:

Building Update - The contractor has been selected. The site has been partially cleared and we are now awaiting our building permits.